10 apps de viagem para baixar antes de embarcar - Novo Post

10 travel apps to download before boarding

There are several free apps that can help you on your next trip. These apps can be useful in organization and planning, as well as in emergency or unforeseen situations. It is certainly essential to have these applications downloaded on your cell phone to enjoy your trip more smoothly.

Traveling is a great way to rest and recharge. However, sometimes what is supposed to be a moment of relaxation can end up causing some headaches, whether before or during the trip. This happens because planning a trip is a complicated and time-consuming task.

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration, from travel, transportation, accommodation, to the itinerary and financial budget. Some people leave everything until the last minute, others prefer to research in advance.

In any case, before boarding you need to know some basic information about your destination, so you are prepared to face possible unforeseen events and make the best use of your time. After all, something unexpected always happens, but we can't let it ruin your stay.

In this post, we will present some of the main applications that can make your leisure time easier, so that you don't waste time during your trip, nor do you need to spend hours on research and calculations. Some even work offline, so you can access them at any time.

What to know before traveling?

It is advisable to have food, medicine and grocery delivery apps. After all, you may need a delivery service to your accommodation or even during an outing. To do this, it is important to research which applications are used in the region and download them to your device.

There are applications that have more coverage and work in different locations, such as Uber, iFood, 99, but there are others that are specific, so it is important to always check. In fact, iFood also has a pharmacy option, which makes the service more complete and useful for emergency situations.

Another good option is to research how local public transport works, whether you need to download or register for an app. Additionally, there are apps like Moovit that offer transport routes and timetables so you can plan ahead.

In addition to public transport, travel apps are essential for those who want to get around without having to hire a car rental service.

Discover 10 apps to organize your trip

1. Travel Spend

If you want to be aware of the amount of money you will spend and even if you will have some left over, the Travel Spend app will make your job easier. The free resource allows you to create one trip at a time, in which you can enter the estimated budget, write down all your expenses and even separate them by categories, such as restaurant, transport, shopping and others.

When filling in information throughout the trip, the application also offers an average daily expense and expense graph. It's a good option for tracking where your money is going, quickly, simply and without needing the internet.

So that you will be traveling with more people, whether friends or family, it is also possible to share the trip and split expenses in the app itself.

Available on App Store It is Google Play.

2. Maps.me

It is important to have an idea of ​​the place you are visiting, both to plan your itineraries and to get to your destination. Maps.me offers offline maps of different locations so that you can download them to your device and access them whenever you want, regardless of your connection. So it's a great alternative for travelers who want to explore cities and see different attractions without having to worry about the route.

The application also points out important points for the traveler, such as restaurants, tourist attractions and others. This can greatly help those who do not have a pre-established itinerary, as it offers alternatives along the way.

Available at App Store It is Google Play.

3. Currency Converter easy

This application is perfect for you if you are going on an international trip that uses another currency. The app has more than 200 world currencies and has frequently updated exchange rates. Furthermore, the app is available in offline mode, making it the best option at all times. Much more practical and faster to convert values ​​and even has the option to simulate expenses.

Available at App Store It is Google Play.

4. Booking

Booking is an international app for booking accommodation, flights, car rental and taxis. The application's search tool even allows you to add filters so you can find exactly what you're looking for. Additionally, you can find discount offers. There are several booking options, some with free cancellation and payment only on site.

In the accommodation section, you can also see customer reviews, images and a map of the region. The application brings together nearby attractions and offers the option of booking tours as well.

Available on App Store It is Google Play.

5. TripAdvisor

This application brings together various information about places and tourist attractions in the region, such as opening hours, prices and addresses. Furthermore, one of the most important parts is that the application has a space with reviews and photos taken by other people who visited the place. It's great to hear other people's opinions, there are often tips and suggestions. This interaction between travelers can be very useful when putting together an itinerary and choosing what to do in the region.

It also offers several options for hotels, tours and restaurants according to the chosen location.

Available on App Store It is Google Play.

6. Tripsy

In this application you can gather all the information about your trip in one place. You can organize your route, see the weather forecast, store documents and view all information offline

The application is also capable of importing reservations from different providers and synchronizing them with your calendar.

Available at App Store.

7. Speak & Translate

When traveling internationally, there may be a language barrier and difficulty communicating with natives. Speak & Translate works as an interpreter in this situation. With the voice translation tool, you can understand what was said and also record your response. There are also written translation, dictionary, and language study features.

The application is available on App Store It is Google Play.


Bringing together several functions in one place, Momondo offers a tool for searching and comparing prices for airline tickets, accommodation, cars and buses. Just select the desired category and the application organizes the information.

The resource does not offer a reservation or purchase service, so it does not charge service fees. On the platform, it is possible to monitor offers in real time and access the link directly from the supplier to find out more details and finalize the purchase.

Available on App Store It is Google Play.

9. Skyscanner

This application searches for the best offers on airline tickets, hotels and car rentals anywhere in the world. This way, you can compare prices between different suppliers in one place. Additionally, there is the option to create a price alert and monitor flight prices, as well as discover airline ticket offers to buy your ticket at the best time.

As the application offers price comparisons between different travel companies, you can check the best offers and choose the one that best suits your preferences.

Available on App Store It is Google Play.

10. Lambus

This application is a travel planner that offers features such as organizing documents, managing expenses and planning itineraries. There's also a space to take quick notes, create lists and gather important information.

An important point is that the application also works offline, making it much more practical to access important documents organized in one place. In addition to these resources, there is how to book tickets and there is a part called Discover, where there is a daily publication of travel and tips, to provide ideas and inspiration.

What did you think of the post?

A trip can be a unique and unforgettable experience, an opportunity to make dreams come true and learn different cultures. New Post brought application tips that can help you have a smoother trip, so that you are prepared to deal with even the occasional unforeseen event.

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