Common CV is a document presenting a person for the purpose of applying for a job in a public service or private company. It must include: personal identification (name, address, telephone number...) documentation, education (courses taken or in progress), professional experience (length of service, firms where you worked, positions you held, works produced, etc.). Information must be expressed in a few words and arranged clearly and aesthetically.
The documents cited may, upon request, be checked with those included in the Common Curriculum.
The most important data are education and professional experience.
Do not provide information that is not true, be honest when filling out your Common CV.
Read and re-read your Common CV, and pay close attention to make sure there are no spelling mistakes, because you will certainly compete with several people for the position you are seeking, and a well-filled Common CV is the beginning to stand out among the others.
Secret to writing a good Common Curriculum It’s about writing better in the right way. For example: In the professional world there is excessive information about professional skills, experiences and studies. Putting all this information in too much detail can make the Common Curriculum too long, which will tire the person working to recruit. In other words, the detailed part should be left at the time of the personal interview, after the interviewers ask about facts about past and present experiences.
A good Common CV is one that has no more than one page. Candidates for a job vacancy must include only the main topics of what they know how to do or what they have studied in the documents used to inform professional expertise. When sending the Common CV via email, don't forget to put the information in the subject field so as not to confuse the interviewers.
Try to enter the traditional data with the utmost attention, take into account that contact must happen perfectly and this happens when the information is correct, this is the case with cell phone and landline number, email address, full name, date of birth and residence address. Attention! Do not include personal document data such as ID, CPF, among others. This information should only be provided when the job description requests the type of information.
Be careful with photos. There is great discussion among recruiting experts about the need to include photos. Some professionals don't mind, but there are also recruiters who measure the act negatively, mainly because the person thinks they are different just because they are beautiful. To avoid making mistakes, try to send the photo only when requested in the job advertisement.