Quarteto Fantástico 2015 trailer - Novo Post

Fantastic Four 2015 trailer

Fox Film Brasil announced this Tuesday (27) the first subtitled trailer for the new “Fantastic Four”, the reboot of the franchise. Directed by Josh Trank, the film stars Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell and Michael B. Jordan.

Kate Mara, who is the sister of actress Rooney Mara and made the series “House of cards”, plays Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman. Jordan, who starred in “Fruitvale Station: The Last Stop” (2013), is the Human Torch.

Bell, an actor who also began his career as a child in “Billie Eliot” (2000) and later acted in productions such as “Nymphomaniac” (2013), will experience it. Teller, from “Whiplash,” plays Reid Richards, Mr. Fantastic.

The new production based on the comic book will tell the origin of the heroes and is scheduled to go on display in August this year. The film features characters who appeared in “Fantastic Four” (2005) and “Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer” (2007), both directed by Tim Story. The films starred Jessica Alba (Invisible Woman), Chris Evans (Human Torch), Ioan Gruffudd (Mr. Fantastic) and Michael Chiklis (Thing).

Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four


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