Sintomas da dengue e cuidados preventivos - Novo Post

Dengue symptoms and preventive care

Dengue symptoms and preventive care – How do I know if I have dengue?

Dengue symptoms and preventive care


It is very easy to catch Dengue. In Brazil, in the summer months the disease has become an epidemic. We must fight the mosquito so that we can eradicate the disease. We run risks even though we don't allow stagnant water to accumulate and take the necessary precautions to prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs. But how do we know if we have dengue fever or not?

Symptoms that can help you find out if you have dengue.

These are some:

Headache or pain behind the eyes;

High fever;

Measles-like spots on the skin;

Nausea, vomiting and dizziness;

Fatigue, weakness and pain in the body, bones or joints;

Loss of appetite and taste;

Dengue symptoms and preventive care

Remembering that when a person is bitten by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, they do not feel the pain of the bite or itch. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms above, seek medical attention immediately. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the patient's chances of recovery.

Dengue symptoms and preventive care

If, in addition to the symptoms above, you experience bleeding from your nose, mouth or gums, difficulty breathing or even loss of consciousness, stay alert. These symptoms may indicate that you have Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, the most serious type of the disease. In this case, you should also seek medical advice as soon as possible, as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever can even kill if it is not treated in time.

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