Diabetes sintomas e como prevenir - Novo Post

Diabetes symptoms and how to prevent

Diabetes symptoms and how to prevent

Diabetes symptoms and how to prevent


Diabetes cases are increasing every day, being diagnosed in a frightening way among young people, as diabetes does not choose an age to appear. Nowadays, more and more people are leaving healthy eating aside and resorting to the well-known snacks at the corner bar, snacks, fried foods, sweets, etc. Brazil now has 170 million people with this disease.

Diabetes is a chronic disease, it appears when the body stops producing enough insulin, or when it is not able to consume it. Thus, the blood glucose level ends up increasing, reducing the expectation for those with this disease of up to 7 years. One of the main causes of the development of diabetes is poor eating habits and also a lack of physical exercise, stress and heredity.

Please be aware that when properly treated, diabetes does not prevent a person from having a normal life, however, it is essential that the diabetic wants to be helped, and they must collaborate by following medical guidelines so that they can stabilize and maintain self-control of the disease, as If the person is determined and follows medical recommendations, they will certainly be able to restore their quality of life.

Diabetes symptoms and how to prevent

Diabetes Symptoms:

  • Urinating a lot and in large quantities, especially at night (polyuria);

  • Constant and intense thirst (polydipsia);

  • Fatigue, associated with muscle pain;

  • Weight loss;

  • Blurred vision;

  • Constant hunger, difficult to satisfy (polyphagia);

  • Itching on the body, usually occurs on the genitals.

How to prevent diabetes?

  • Practice physical exercises;

  • Do not smoke;

  • Healthy eating;

  • Maintain weight. Obesity contributes greatly to the development of diabetes.

 Symptoms and prevention of diabetes

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