Alimentos para Combater a Anemia - Novo Post

Foods to Fight Anemia

5 food tips to combat anemia

Foods to Fight Anemia

Fatigue, malaise and lack of strength can be symptoms of anemia. The disease, which is a decrease in the number of hemoglobin, the blood protein responsible for transporting oxygen to cells, can be prevented with a balanced diet and prioritizing certain types of food.

Foods rich in iron, folic acid and vitamins A and C are the main helpers in the fight against anemia. Check out these foods in which nutrients are present.

Red meat

Foods to Fight Anemia

Iron is one of those responsible for the production of hemoglobin. Thus, a diet rich in iron contributes to the treatment of anemia. Red meat is rich in iron. Choose lean meats, to avoid affecting cholesterol. The liver is the most suitable cut, as it contains more iron.


Foods to Fight Anemia

In addition to red meat, amaranth is another food that is rich in iron. The seed can be a substitute for rice and, as it does not contain gluten, it is easily digested. The food is indicated to treat gestational anemia.

Goji berry

Foods to Fight Anemia

Among the benefits of goji berries is the high concentration of vitamin C. The vitamin is responsible for facilitating the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, in addition to valuing foods rich in iron, it is essential to add foods rich in vitamin C to your diet, such as oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits.


Foods to Fight Anemia

Although the amount of iron in spinach is not significant, the food is rich in folic acid, a substance that helps maintain the production of new cells. Other dark green vegetables perform the same function, such as endive, broccoli, kale and watercress.


Foods to Fight Anemia

Chestnuts contain high levels of fatty acids, and are also foods rich in zinc and iron. Iron helps in the distribution of oxygen and zinc contributes directly to the immune system.

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