Aumente ou diminua os olhos com truques na maquiagem - Novo Post

Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks

The perfect makeup is the one that can highlight the positive points and hide the imperfections of the face. In the case of eyes, learn some tricks that can make them bigger or smaller. “Applying brown or black pencil to the lower part of the eyes is always a good idea, but if you want to make your eyes smaller, you should only apply it inside them.”

Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks

Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks

Makeup for small eyes:

Apply red pencil to the bottom of your eyes.

Use a dark shadow on the lower part of the eyelid; brownish tone in the middle of the eyelid; and light color on the upper eyelid to brighten and lift expression.

Smoke the outside of the eye with a darker color to add more glamor to the eyeshadow.

Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks

Apply two layers of mascara – the first layer is for lengthening and the second layer for volume.

 Makeup for big eyes:

Use black pencil and eyeliner, making a very thin line in the oriental style.

Go over the top lighter shadows, like beige, for example, which does not enlarge the eyes. And no highlighter.

Apply just one layer of mascara.

Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks

Eyebrows – It’s not news that the eyebrow is the frame of the look. What not everyone knows is that when well outlined, they are great makeup allies. To correct any flaws, it is recommended to use an eyeliner in the closest possible shade to the color of the fur. If necessary, give it a little smudge with the brush, but be careful not to smudge. If this happens, don't worry: with a little makeup remover on the cotton swab you can easily correct it. Another tip is to apply colorless mascara to keep the combed hairs in place.

Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks
Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks
Enlarge or reduce your eyes with makeup tricks

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