Casamento gratuito no cartório: como conseguir - Novo Post

Free marriage at the registry office: how to get it

The Civil Code guarantees free marriage at the registry office, as long as the bride and groom present a declaration of poverty.


Marriage is a transformative episode in people's lives. It allows the construction of a new family and the division of assets. Despite being a common event in society, not everyone can afford it.


The bride and groom normally need to make a series of preparations. Expenses include decoration, rental of the party venue, church, wedding dress, among other factors. However, if the couple wants a simple marriage to obtain the certificate, then it is worth making a free union request at the registry office.



The Brazilian Civil Code provides for free civil marriage for low-income couples. However, few people know that they have this right and end up living their married life informally.

To obtain a free wedding at the registry office, you must fill out a form that is capable of certifying the lack of financial conditions to cover the payment. This document is provided by the registry office itself.

Notary offices that marry for free are reimbursed by Arpen (Association of Registrars of Natural Persons). To obtain marriage registration, it is necessary to obtain poverty registration.


Anyone who wants to know more about tax-exempt marriage should consult the Civil Code, article 1512, sole paragraph. It has been in force since 2002 and says that the registry office has the obligation to bring together low-income people without charging, upon declaring poverty. The only expense the couple will have is the justice of the peace, who asks for an amount of R$27.35. Under normal conditions, this fee varies from R$160 to R$300.




Civil marriage rates are usually set so as not to vary greatly and the values ​​are defined by state legislation. According to research, getting married in 2012 was 5.76% more expensive in São Paulo than in the previous year.

It is possible to calculate the approximate costs of a civil wedding. The qualification process costs R$238.76 and the justice of the peace costs R$55.50. If the marriage is religious and has a civil effect, then the price is R$272.05.

When the civil wedding takes place outside the headquarters, the cost for the bride and groom is usually higher. It is necessary to cover the costs of license, transportation, Justice of the Peace, among other factors.

According to public registry officials, the article that guarantees the right to free marriage is little known. Those who can get married free of charge are usually couples who have been living together for some time.

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