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How to make detoxifying juices

How to make detoxifying juices

Recipes for two detoxifying juices to start the year with a bang!

How to make detoxifying juices


Green Juice relies on the help of apple and kale to replace lost nutrients. Pectin, which is found in the apple skin, is a very important fiber for reducing fat and blood glucose, in addition to being a fruit very rich in vitamins B1, B2, niacin, iron and phosphorus. Kale is high in chlorophyll, which helps cleanse the intestines and also protects the liver from the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages.

How to make detoxifying juices


1 glass of 200 ml of coconut water

1 apple with chopped peel

1 cabbage leaf

1 tablespoon of honey

1 dessert spoon of flaxseed

1 ice cube

Method of preparation:

Place the coconut water, chopped apple, kale, honey and ice in a blender. Blend everything after the juice is ready, sprinkle the linseed on top of the juice to give it a shine and it will be ready to be served.

How to make detoxifying juices


In this recipe we will combine the protein-digesting power of pineapple and the de-bloating and mineral-replenishing effect of mackerel. Kiwi is also rich in fiber that stimulates the intestine.


1 cup (tea) of water

1 dessert spoon of dried mackerel

1 slice of pineapple

4 mint leaves

1 kiwi without the skin

1 lettuce leaf

1 tablespoon honey (organic)

1 ice cube

Way of doing:

Prepare the tea: put the water on the fire and, as soon as it boils, turn off and add the mackerel. Cover the pan. Leave to infuse for five minutes and strain. Blend in a blender with the other ingredients and strain again.

How to make detoxifying juices
How to make detoxifying juices

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