Como lidar com a pele oleosa - Novo Post

How to deal with oily skin

Women with oily skin need to know how to deal with excess shine and enlarged pores at all times if they want to avoid the appearance of acne and unpleasant blackheads.

According to experts, dermal health care begins by choosing specific products for this type of skin, as in addition to not minimizing the problem, wrong procedures can cause greater damage.

So, using a soap suitable for control, which does not cause dryness, and has active ingredients in its formulation to reduce oiliness, for example, will already give good results.

Furthermore, dermatologists condemn the continuous use of moisturizers or very thick creams, they are not in favor of squeezing pimples and blackheads and they warn against haircuts that hide part of the face or bangs, as they harm the ventilation of the skin. skin.


Como lidar com a pele oleosa

When it comes to makeup, there are also some precautions that should be taken into account by those with oily skin. According to professionals, you can reduce shine with a few tricks. Check out:

Matte effect: The best foundation is non-greasy and mattifying, as it keeps drier skin for much longer.

Always have some disposable tissues on hand. You can remove oil with them without smudging or compromising your makeup. Furthermore, they are practical when making small touch-ups without having to reapply compact powder.

Before bedtime: When you go to sleep, don't forget to use a makeup remover, which should be water-based. Remove make-up, avoiding clogging of pores and difficulty in breathing.

Signals: To minimize signs of oily skin, never wash your face repeatedly. Contrary to what many people believe, intense friction can further stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. And if the water temperature is high, it also causes it to dry out.


Exfoliations: the procedure should only be done once a day, following the traditional ritual: cleansing, toner and moisturizer. Also, make sure you are using the right products. Cosmetics based on gel, fluid or oil-free lotion are the most recommended. Confirm with your dermatologist.

As the face tends to be more delicate and sensitive than the rest of the body, it requires specific products. And sunscreen is included in that list.


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