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How to maintain self-esteem

How to maintain self-esteem

With your self-esteem shaken?

Here are some tips and behaviors that can help reverse this feeling.

How to maintain self-esteem

Some people have low self-esteem that can harm them in all their activities, for example, at work and in a romantic relationship.

Self-esteem is the judgment you make of yourself and it is up to the individual to build it at every moment of their life. People who have low self-esteem often show insecurity, frequently asked questions, perfectionism and more, many times you have woken up and felt unmotivated to go to college, teachers often do not allow mistakes.

Many factors can undermine your self-esteem such as frequent criticism, stress, shame, envy, humiliation, disgust



How to maintain self-esteem

People who can deal with their self-esteem, help reduce feelings of insecurity, anxiety and even perform better in their daily life activities.

To raise self-esteem you must first be satisfied with your work, identify your qualities and not just defects. Furthermore, you can do daily exercise and improve your appearance with fashionable clothes and modern hair.

Another suggestion is to adopt things in your daily life that make you happy, for example, dancing, going out with friends, reading, resting, traveling, in any way.

Furthermore, you need to focus on what you want to achieve and avoid getting upset by other people's comments. Support from family and friends also helps in this process.

Some people perform compulsive acts, so it is recommended that you analyze your actions so as not to regret them later.

How to maintain self-esteem

You should stay away from people who undermine your self-esteem by showing only their flaws, because it makes the individual feel inferior and incapable of performing any function.

It is recommended that you consult a psychologist so that he can listen to your problems and can help you overcome your fears and frustrations.

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