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How to treat oily hair

How to treat oily hair

How to treat oily hair


For those looking for tips to treat oily hair, you just found it! Here are some tips to solve your problems.

Basic Care

The main care for oily hair starts at bath time. To treat it, you need to wash your hair frequently with a specific shampoo and the conditioner should only be applied to the ends. Always avoid water at a very hot temperature, as it ends up stimulating the production of oils by the scalp's sebaceous glands.

How to treat oily hair

Regarding the days you wash your hair, know that it depends on your hair type, that is, dry hair can become even drier with frequent washing, but in cases where the sebaceous glands produce a greater amount of oil than Washing your hair daily is essential.

Creams and shampoos should be specific to your hair type. For those who suffer from oiliness, it is recommended to use an anti-residue shampoo once a week.


  1. People with oily hair should avoid oil-based products, such as coconut oil, argan oil, among others;

  2. Give preference to neutral shampoos that are pH balanced. Also avoid 2-in-1 products (shampoo and conditioner);

  3. The anti-residue shampoo should only be used when the hair is very dirty;

  4. To use the dryer, it is important to leave the device at least 10 cm away, to prevent the heat from stimulating the sebaceous glands;

  5. Avoid brushing too much or running your hands through your hair too much.

How to treat oily hair


How to treat oily hair


How to treat oily hair


How to treat oily hair


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