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Fairy tale the three little pigs

Fairy tale the three little pigs


Once there was a sow who had three little pigs. She was old and could not support her brood, so she sent them off to seek their luck.
The first little pig walked and walked until he found a man carrying a bundle of straw, and he said to him:

“Please, peasant, give me some of that straw so I can build my little house.”

The peasant, who had a good heart, did so, giving him a good amount of straw. The little pig wasted no time and soon his house was ready.

However, a wolf soon came and knocked on the door and said:

“Little pig, little pig, let me in.”

Listening To this the little pig replied:

“No, no, by the hairs of my beard, you’re not going in here.”Conto-de-fadas-os-três-porquinhos

The wolf, unfazed by the answer, replied:

“Then I will blow, and I will huff, and I will blow your house apart.”

And it blew, blew, huffed, huffed, the house went up in the air. The little pig, however, was fast, and ran into the woods so quickly that no matter how hard he tried, the wolf couldn't capture him.

The second little pig found a man with a bundle of gorse and said:

“Please, my good man, give me some of that gorse so I can build my little house.”

The man did so and the little pig quickly built his little house.

But it wasn't long before the wolf appeared and said:

“Little pig, little pig, let me in.”

“No, no, by the hairs of my beard, you’re not going in here.”

“Then I will blow, and I will huff, and I will blow your house apart.”

And he blew, blew, huffed, huffed and the house was blown up, but like his brother this little pig was also agile, or was this agility just the natural survival instinct? I don't know, what I know is that he ran like crazy into the forest and the wolf once again can't fill his belly with the little pigs like that. family!

The third little pig was walking along his path when he met a man who was making bricks, and he said:

“Please, my good man, give me some of those bricks so I can build my little house.”

The man had plenty left over and gladly gave the little pig many bricks. Satisfied, the little pig was trying to gather all the material he had received when six two brothers emerged from the forest, crying, traumatized.

“What happened little brothers”, he asked him, “why so much sadness?”

And the two unfortunates reported everything that had happened to them, the wolf, their destroyed houses and the wolf's intention of making them his lunch.

“Don’t worry anymore brothers, I have bricks, this material is stronger, more solid, we’re going to make our little house with them, and the wolf won’t be able to destroy it!”

Sem perda de tempo trataram de construir sua sólida casinha. Não tardou e o lobo apareceu outra vez, e tal como fizera com os outros dois porquinhos, disse:

“Little pig, little pig, let me in.”

“No, no, by the hairs of my beard, you’re not going in here.”

“Then I will blow, and I will huff, and I will blow your house apart.”


E ele soprou, e bufou, e soprou, e bufou, e bufou e soprou mais ainda, até ficar roxo e perder o fôlego, mas a casa não caiu. Então ele percebeu que essa casa era mais forte e que por mais que soprasse não conseguiria destruí-la. Pôs a cabeça para funcionar e teve uma, e disse:

“Porquinho, quero ser seu amigo, e para provar ofereço-me a mostrar-lhe onde há um magnífico campode nabos.”

“Onde fica esse campo?” Perguntou o porquinho.

“Oh, nas terras do Sr. Jacó, e se estiver pronto amanhã de manhã virei buscá-lo; poderemos ir juntos colher nabos e nos divertir bastante.”

“Esta bem”, respondeu o porquinho, “está combinado. A que horas vai passar por aqui?”

“Oh, as seis em ponto, está bem?”

O porquinho levantou às cinco da manhã, ainda escuro, disse para seus irmãos ficarem bem quietos escondidos em casa, e foi para o campo dos nabos, chegando antes do lobo, que chegou às seis. Lá pegou tudo que queria e voltou correndo para casa, onde se trancou bem.

Às seis em ponto o lobo bateu na porta dos porquinhos:

“Porquinho (o lobo não sabia que os dois sobreviventes estavam lá!), está pronto?”

O porquinho respondeu: “Pronto? Já fui e já voltei, e tenho uma panela repleta de nabos para o jantar.”

O lobo ficou furioso, mas não ia desistir assim tão fácil, e disse: “Porquinho, conheço um lugar repleto de macieiras carregadinhas.”

“Onde?”, perguntou o porquinho.

“Lá na clareira do lago”, respondeu o lobo. “E se não me enganar virei buscá-lo amanhã, às cinco horas, para colhermos algumas maçãs.”

The next morning the little pig got up at four o'clock, got dressed and went to the lake clearing to pick the apples, hoping to do the same thing as the day before, but the clearing was further away, and he had to climb the trees to pick the apples. apples. Then, just as he was about to climb down from the last tree, with a bag full of apples, he saw the wolf approaching and was terrified. And now, what to do?

The wolf arrived and said:

“You like to get up early, don't you, little pig? Did you arrive before me? How are the apples, are they sweet?”

“They’re great,” said the little pig, I’ll tell you to play one,” and threw one beautiful apple as far as you can. The greedy wolf ran to catch it, and the little pig in turn jumped to the ground and ran as fast as he could to his house, locking all the doors and windows very tightly.

The next day the wolf was there again, but now very angry. He said:

“Piggy, I lost patience with you. I’m not going to wait any longer, I’m going to go in through the chimney and devour you, just like I did your brothers!”

“Liar” shouted the little pig, “you are nothing, you didn’t devour my brothers, they are here with me!” And the two brothers shouted from inside the house so that the wolf could hear them. Meanwhile the clever little pig hung a cauldron full of water in the fireplace there is a very high fire. The wolf, increasingly furious, began to climb down the chimney, and was so blind with hatred that he didn't even see the pot. As soon as he touched the boiling water he screamed and jumped so high that he flew down the chimney, landing near the pigs' house. Right at that moment, hunters were passing by, and upon seeing that furious wolf they quickly killed him, leaving the three little brothers and all the inhabitants of that place forever free from the wolf's attacks.

Fairy tale the three little pigs


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