Convite de Casamento modelos, dicas e fotos - Novo Post

Wedding invitation models, tips and photos

The wedding invitation is one of the first items to be chosen by the bride and groom.

What a text Should you write on a wedding invitation?

Depending on the color and model of the wedding invitation, guests will know the profile of the ceremony and also the personality and style of the bride and groom, with a different format or color and with more or less formal texts. The order and data vary but the day, time and address cannot be missing. The invitation message must convey the couple's feelings when announcing the wedding, which can be a phrase, a verse, a poem or a text that is part of the lives and personalities of the bride and groom.

According to the desired style, in the case of a religious celebration it should be written I HAVE THE HONOR to invite V Ex. and in other types of ceremonies it is appropriate to say I HAVE THE PLEASURE to invite V Ex.

There are different ways to invite, depending on who the guest is.


For example:
Parents of the bride, parents of the groom, and the bride and groom themselves hand out the wedding invitations.

On the internet there are many virtual stores that make wedding invitations, it's a cool option, because you can choose the model, send the text, they send the ready-made wedding model and if the bride and groom approve, just make the payment and wait, which by the way There are many ways to pay.

The wedding invitation can be personalized, with caricatures, classic, modern.

Wedding invitation with caricatures is ideal for humorous, relaxed bride and groom.

There are many wedding invitation models, with heart shapes, funny designs, with drawn bride and groom.

We separate some models de convite de casamento do clássico ao moderno para você se inspirar:







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