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Childcare at the beach

Childcare at the beach

The strong sun, the rough sea, the jokes, the sand dirty… The dangers surrounding a simple visit to the beach seem to multiply when the focus is on children.

Childcare at the beach

This is because they have more sensitive skin, being more susceptible to sunburn, as well as being more curious and having the habit of putting everything in their mouths. Therefore, it is up to parents or responsible adults to pay attention to activities of the little ones. In this age range it is common for child automatically put everything in your mouth, including sand.

Childcare at the beach

And this can cause health problems. Sand poses numerous dangers as it may contain animal feces. Parents should also be careful with small objects scattered across the sand, such as caps and ice cream sticks.

It's okay to leave your child barefoot in the sand. You just have to make sure the child doesn't get hurt. One of the risks is the geographic bug, which is not only contracted through the foot, but through any other direct contact with the skin.

The more comfortable the child is, the better. The best option is clothes cotton, as they allow the skin to breathe. The diaper can be dispensed with, as it accumulates moisture and heat and can promote mycoses and diaper rash. If your child still can't do without diapers, just leave them on and apply plenty of sunscreen.

Childcare at the beach

The buoy represents extra protection, even for those children who already know how to swim, model The safest is the armrest. It is worth remembering, however, that these buoys do not guarantee the child's total safety, as sea waves can be unpredictable.

There are many dangers at the beach – children can get lost, enter the sea alone, put inappropriate objects in their mouths, etc. Children are not afraid of anything, they think nothing is dangerous. This is the age when they are still discovering everything. Therefore, it is essential that parents supervise all play closely.

Childcare at the beach

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