Currículo em Branco - Novo Post

Blank CV

Blank CV

blank resume for you to fill out, and to get an idea of ​​how to create yours, here are some tips for your blank resume

Curriculum good is the one that has no more than one leaf. Candidates for a job vacancy must include only the main topics of what they know how to do or what they have studied in the documents used to inform professional expertise. When sending your CV via email, don't forget to put the information in the subject field to avoid confusing interviewers.

Try to enter the traditional data with the utmost attention, take into account that contact must happen perfectly and this happens when the information is correct, this is the case with cell phone and landline number, email address, full name, date of birth and residence address. Attention! Do not include personal document data such as ID, CPF, among others. This information should only be provided when the job description requests the type of information.

Be careful with photos. There is great discussion among recruiting experts about the need to include photos. Some professionals don't mind, but there are also recruiters who measure the act negatively, mainly because the person thinks they are different just because they are beautiful. To avoid making mistakes, try to send the photo only when requested in the job advertisement.

Some blank CV so you have an idea of ​​how to do it:

Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV
Blank CV


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