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Tips for taking care of your hair in summer

Tips for taking care of your hair in the summer With the beginning of summer, several health concerns arise, as during this season we are much more exposed to dangers, starting with the sun. The hair is not left out, it is also very unprotected mainly by the salt water. Here are some tips so you can take great care of your hair while still enjoying the beach.

Tips for taking care of your hair in summer

Here are some tips on how to take care of your hair in the summer:

 Use sunscreen on your hair;

 If possible after diving in the sea, rinse your hair with normal water and repeat the layer of sunscreen;

 Protect your hair with a hat or other accessory that reduces direct contact with the sun's rays;

Avoid tying your hair, to allow the pores to breathe;

Use an anti-residue shampoo once a week to remove excess chlorine and salt;

Avoid exposing your hair to further aggression, such as hairdryers and straighteners;

Before going to the beach or pool, apply a sunscreen cream at this time of year, it is very easy to find in pharmacies, perfumeries and even supermarkets. Reapply after entering the water.

Tips for taking care of your hair in summer

Tips for taking care of your hair in summer

As far as possible, always rinse your hair with normal water after a swim in the sea or pool. If you don't have a shower nearby, use a bottle of mineral water.

Avoid exposing your hair to further aggression with the dryer and straightener and only use them on special days. When letting your hair dry naturally, use finishing products that do not contain oil in the formula to give it a more messy, “beach style” look.

Tips for taking care of your hair in summer

During the summer, hair is exposed to many factors that leave it brittle, dry and opaque, so it is important to deeply moisturize it at least once a week.

Tips for taking care of your hair in summer
Tips for taking care of your hair in summer
Tips for taking care of your hair in summer

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