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Tips for keeping cool on hot days

Tips for keeping cool on hot days

Tips for keeping cool on hot days


With summer the only thing we want is to discover how to cool off on hot, stuffy days and nights, whether on the street, in the car, at work or at home. To improve excess heat, it is common to invest in air conditioning units, as they cool the environment immediately.

However, this appliance may not be the best option. The high cost of the device and the high energy expenditure, together with the harm it causes to your health, require you to try using other measures to cool off.

Tips for keeping cool on hot days

1 – Keep the curtains closed during the day

Curtains are important partners in preventing your home from overheating in the summer, because they block excessive sunlight from entering. It is therefore best to keep them closed to avoid a mini greenhouse effect at home.

2 – Do your best to keep the heat out

How about investing in some type of film that can reflect sunlight to be placed on windows? This type of material will keep your home isolated from the heat caused by the sun's rays through the reflection of these rays.

3 – Fresh night air needs to be maintained for as long as possible

At night, the air is usually not as stuffy as during the day, so it is essential to use this period to your advantage. When the sun goes down and the breeze is cooler, therefore, open all the windows and let the air flow through the house, closing them again before the day dawns and begins to heat up again.

4 – Change the incandescent light bulbs

For some years now, people have been talking about the advantages of replacing incandescent bulbs – also called “hot” bulbs – with white, or “cold” bulbs. In recent times, LED lamps have been launched on the market, which are even more economical and durable than conventional white lamps. This change also helps to reduce heat indoors, since incandescent bulbs generate much more heat than others.

5 – Use tricks to humidify indoor air

Anything goes to make the air less “dry”, especially when sleeping. Use containers filled with fresh water in every room in the house – just be careful if you have small children, as even a small amount of water can be enough for a child to drown. Another good option is to soak bath towels and spread them around the house, on the backs of chairs and on closet doors, for example.

6 – Condition the air yourself

A fan running with a frozen bottle of water in front of it is a simple and effective way to circulate cold air around the room, without having to turn on the air conditioner.

7 – Make use of cold drinks and refreshing foods

Tips for keeping cool on hot days

Hydration is essential on hot days. Cold drinks and fresh foods, such as fruit and fruit popsicles, are good options for avoiding body heat and remaining more comfortable during the summer.

Tips for keeping cool on hot days

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