Dicas para ter uma vida melhor - Novo Post

Tips for a better life

The Universities of Medicine: Harvard and Cambridge published 20 Healthy Advice that promise to improve the quality of life in a practical and habitual way.

Tips for a better life

20- Tips for having a better life

1- Drink a glass of orange juice

  • Daily this increases iron and replenishes vitamin C.

2- Sprinkle cinnamon powder into the coffee.

  • Cinnamon helps lower cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels.

3- Swap the traditional bagel for wholemeal bread

  • Know that wholemeal bread has 4 times more fiber, 3 times more zinc and almost 2 times more iron than traditional white bread.

4- Chew your vegetables better, and for longer.

  • This increases the amount of anti-cancer chemicals released into the body. Chewing releases sinigrin. The less you cook vegetables, the better the preventive effect.

5- Adopt the 80% rule:

  • By reducing 20% ​​of the food you usually eat, you will avoid gastrointestinal disorders, prolong your life and reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart attacks.

6- Eat more oranges.

  • It will be the food of the future, capable of reducing the risk of lung cancer by 30%.

7- Make meals more colorful like the rainbow.

  • Eating a variety of colorful foods daily, red, yellow, orange, green, purple and white distributed among fruits and vegetables, will create a better mix of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

8- Eat pasta, pizza or any other food with tomato sauce.

  • Giving preference to thin crust pizzas. Lycopene in tomatoes is an antioxidant that can inhibit or even reverse the growth of tumors. Lycopene is better absorbed by the body when tomatoes are in the form of pasta or pizza sauces.

9- Always clean your toothbrush, or replace it more frequently.

  • Toothbrushes can spread flu, colds and other germs. That's why it's recommended to wash them with hot water at least four times a week (do it when you shower), and if you show any symptoms of illness, try to keep your brush separate from the others.

Tips for a better life

Tips for a better life

10- Try to carry out activities that stimulate your mind and strengthen your memory.

  • Try to solve some tests such as: puzzles, crosswords, try to learn another language or some new activity. Read a book, try to memorize paragraphs, study, write, learn. Your mind will thank you and so will your friends, because a conversation is much more interesting when we have something to talk about.

11-Use dental floss more, and don't chew gum.

  • According to research, people who chew gum are more likely to develop arteriosclerosis, as they have narrower blood vessels, which can promote a heart attack. Using dental floss can increase your life by up to six years, because it removes bacteria that attack your teeth and your body.

12- Smile more, and more frequently.

  • A good laugh corresponds to a 'mini-workout', smiling is a small physical exercise: Know that 100 to 200 laughs are equivalent to 10 minutes running on the treadmill. In addition to reducing stress, it increases the resistance of defense cells (our antibodies).

13- Do not peel vegetables or fruits in advance.

  • Vegetables or fruits should be consumed fresh and should always be peeled and cut at mealtime. This increases the levels of nutrients that act against cancer. Drink the juices as soon as they are prepared.

14- Try to communicate whenever possible with your family (dear ones).

  • According to researchers from Harvard Medical School, 91% of people who do not maintain an emotional bond with their loved ones, preferably with their mother, tend to develop high blood pressure, alcoholism or even heart disease even when they are young.

15- Try to enjoy a cup of tea.

  • Know that in regular tea the levels of antioxidants are higher than in green tea, and drinking even just one cup daily reduces the risk of heart disease. Israeli scientists also concluded that drinking tea increases survival after heart attacks.

16- Have a pet.

  • People who don't have pets are more stressed and visit the doctor more frequently. According to research, mascots make you feel more optimistic, providing greater relaxation, and this helps to lower blood pressure.

  • Without a doubt, the best pets are dogs, but even having a fish in the aquarium can provide a good result.

17- Put fresh tomatoes or vegetables on the sandwich.

  • A small portion of tomatoes daily helps reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 30%, according to scientists at Harvard Medical School, some other advantages can be achieved through the consumption of fresh vegetables.

18- Reorganize your refrigerator.

  • Placing vegetables anywhere in the refrigerator causes them to lose their nutritional substances, as the artificial light in the refrigerator destroys flavonoids, substances present in most vegetables that help fight cancer. It is recommended to use the area reserved for them, that box at the bottom or even store them in a dark, well-closed container.

19- Eat like a bird.

  • Sunflower seeds or sesame seeds are nutritious and antioxidants. Consuming these seeds and nuts between meals helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

20- Finally, a mix of small tips that will certainly prolong your life:

Eat more chocolate.

  • Two bars a week extend your life by a year. Dark chocolate is a source of iron, magnesium and potassium.

Be Optimistic, think positively.

  • Optimistic people can live up to 12 years longer than pessimists, in addition to catching colds and flu more frequently, they are less liked and more bitter.

Be sociable.

  • People with strong social ties or networks of friends are healthier than lonely people.

Try to get to know yourself better.

  • True believers are those who value “Being” more and “Having” less. These people are 35% more likely to have a better quality of life.

    Tips for a better life

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