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Points diet – see how to lose weight fast

If you are trying to lose weight and worried about your health, you are in the right place. The points diet created by Dr Alfredo Halpern The doctor's objective was to create a functional diet, a simple method, where the patient himself could control his eating habits. It is well balanced, easy to follow and very useful for those who have a busy life and no time for almost anything. On this diet, you count food points instead of counting calories. The average number of points to be consumed to lose weight is 350 (but it is important to consult a nutritionist to make a calculation). In this diet, each calorie is equivalent to 3.6 points. This way, to calculate food points, just take the calories and divide by 3.6. Here is a link with the table of foods and their points: TABLE So Dr. Halpern transformed calories into points and established that 3.6 Kcal is equivalent to 1 point, thus creating a table with foods and points.

Points diet – see how to lose weight fast

Example menu:


  • 1 cup (120 ml) of coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener = 12 points

  • 1 whole grain toast = 10 points

  • 1 slice of light white cheese = 15 points

Morning snack

  • 1 silver banana = 20 points


  • Oil used for preparation = 15 points

  • Watercress and tomato salad = 0

  • 1 tablespoon. Olive oil (dessert) = 13 points

  • 2 spoons. Rice (soup) = 20 points

  • 2 spoons. Lentil (soup) = 10 points

  • 1 fillet (100 g) of steamed white hake = 20 points

  • 1 tablespoon. Braised pumpkin (soup) = 10 points

  • 1 chocolate bar (25 g) = 43 points

    Points diet – see how to lose weight fast

Afternoon snack

  • 1 pot of low-fat natural yogurt = 25 points

  • 1 tablespoon. Light breakfast cereal (soup) = 15 points

To have lunch

  • Oil used in preparation = 15 points

  • Lettuce, celery and arugula salad = 0

  • 1 tablespoon. (Dessert)

    Points diet – see how to lose weight fast

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