Dietas restritivas podem causar compulsão alimentar, alerta especialista - Novo Post

Restrictive diets can cause binge eating, expert warns

The number of people who resort to restrictive diets to lose weight is growing and, without adequate professional support, they end up developing binge eating, which makes them gain weight again.

“What I see most in people who cut out some food from their diet for a period of time is that, when they start consuming it again, they eat out of compulsion. In this case, what is the benefit if she developed a compulsion? For me, it’s just a big loss”, says nutritionist Desire Coelho.

Contrary to the idea of ​​“enemies” or “villains” in a diet, Desire reminds us that moderation is needed when consuming any food and rules out the adoption of restrictive diets, such as those that recommend eliminating gluten or sugar.

Dietas restritivas podem causar compulsão alimentar, alerta especialista

“The enemy of health is a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. The problem is that people want to point to another culprit that doesn't make it necessary to interfere with lifestyle changes, but that doesn't exist”, highlights the expert.

However, for those who spend the day working, arriving home and still having to cook for the family can be one of the barriers to eating a balanced diet.

“A diet based on fruits, vegetables, rice and beans requires more care and time because it requires a little more work,” he says.

The tip, according to Desire, is to maintain simple attitudes, but which require organization, such as taking snacks from home and freezing them.

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