Exercícios para a memória - Novo Post

Exercises for memory

Memory exercises are very useful for those who want to keep their brain active and efficient. These serve to increase the capacity to store information. Some examples are:

exercícios para memória
Exercises for memory

Know that memory exercises are very useful for keeping your brain always active. They serve to increase the ability to store information, some of the exercises are:

  • Create a reading habit;

  • Play cards, chess, dominoes or sudoku;

  • Solve crosswords;

  • Take different routes when going to the places you usually frequent;

  • Read texts and represent them;

  • Painting;

  • Learn a new language.

This type of exercise is called neurotherapy and is used by psychologists in different situations, such as in cases of depression, lack of attention, stress and memory loss, for example.

When the brain is not stimulated, the individual is more likely to forget and develop memory problems due to their brain being “lazy” and not acting as quickly and quickly as it should.

Forgetfulness makes the individual anxious, which can lead to the development of numerous associated diseases, such as depression and sleep disorders. That's why it's important to do exercises that stimulate and keep your mind healthy.

Researchers also guarantee that doing memory exercises can even rejuvenate an elderly individual's brain, making it more efficient.

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