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Make a homemade air conditioner yourself

Make a homemade air conditioner yourself

To create your device, take a CD writing pen, place the cooler on the bottle and mark its outline. Note that the cooler must be approximately 4 fingers above the bottom of the bottle. Using a utility knife, cut out the space that was marked.

Cut off the tip of the bottle and save. The cut must be made a few centimeters below where the curvature of the tip ends.

Make a homemade air conditioner yourself

Fit the cooler into the hole made for it. There is no need to use glue. As the bottle is curved, it will put pressure on the cooler so that it fits in the correct place. On the side opposite the cooler, attach a 9 volt battery using adhesive tape.

To connect the cooler to the battery, you can use a 9 volt battery connector. If you don't have one on hand, connect the cooler wires directly to the battery. The black wire must be connected to the negative pole, and the red wire to the positive pole.

Take the tip of the bottle and turn it upside down. Then, fit it into the assembly, forming a kind of funnel. Load up that ice hopper.

Ready! The air will pass through the ice, cool, go down into the bottle and be sent out through the cooler.

 Here is a video that is being watched a lot with a different strategy that also works and you will have your own homemade air conditioning:

Make a homemade air conditioner yourself
Make a homemade air conditioner yourself
Make a homemade air conditioner yourself
Make a homemade air conditioner yourself

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