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Good fruits for summer

Good fruits for summer

Eating fruits is very good for your health. During the summer the heat is great and the need for fluid intake ends up being greater, so foods rich in this mineral are ideal!

Watermelon is anti-cancer, helps cleanse the kidneys and has no cholesterol. In addition to being sweet, delicious and refreshing, it is also made up of around 95% water, in other words, super hydrating. It also stabilizes blood pressure.

Good fruits for summer

Kiwi is a very exotic fruit. It is rich in vitamins A and E. They help to balance blood pressure, increase immunity, preventing flu and colds and help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

Papaya is excellent, it is very good for your health, it is beneficial for the intestine and reduces cholesterol. It also relieves sinusitis symptoms, improves bone health and is good for the skin.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C. It has a tart flavor and in lemonade it refreshes and reduces satiety.

Pineapple is made up of 86% water. Contributes to the hydration of the body. It is rich in vitamins A and C, promoting blood circulation as well as being very good for the eyes and skin.

Other seasonal fruits with excellent nutritional value are mango, strawberry, orange, apple, grape, banana, peach and melon. With these tips, your summer will be a delight. Don't forget that even though they are rich in water, just eating fruits is not enough, drink lots of water and enjoy this hot and delicious season.

Other very good fruits for the season with excellent nutritional value are strawberries, grapes, bananas, oranges, peaches, apples and melons. Fruits alone are not enough to meet our body's need for water, it is important to drink lots of water. Especially at this time of year.

Good fruits for summer

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