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habits to overcome fatigue

We have separated 5 habits to overcome fatigue

We live in a time where we are always tired, this is because of rush, stress and other habits that go unnoticed by us on a daily basis. Check out this advice with habits to overcome fatigue.

habits to overcome fatigue

1 . Turn off lights and gadgets

Despite being our main weapon against fatigue, we are not taking sleep as seriously as we should. According to a study by the institution, 70% of people who live in large cities complain about poor sleep. One of the main explanations is that today's life has many exciting elements that can disrupt our rest, such as television, computers, cell phones and tablets. For the sake of quality sleep, the ideal is to turn off everything, including the lights in the room. Only when we are in the dark does the brain give the order to produce melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. Furthermore, typing responses to each message that arrives and watching movies in bed are habits that stimulate the brain, preventing the person from truly relaxing and sleeping well.

2. Go to academy

The first thing we give up when we're tired is the gym. But skipping exercise only makes things worse. Just 20 minutes of moderate activity – which could be swimming, running – provides a super dose of energy that lasts for the rest of the day. The practice also improves emotional discouragement. Pleasure hormones are released, relaxing the mind, muscular fatigue that results from exercise is quickly overcome with

habits to overcome fatigue

3. Ensure a dose of good humor

Research has already proven it scientifically and you must have felt it firsthand: laughing brings immediate benefits. As you laugh, your body relaxes and feels pleasure; immunity is strengthened and fatigue, especially mental fatigue, is drastically reduced. All this happens because, when having fun, the brain releases antibodies and good hormones, such as endorphins and serotonin. Even though we know this, amid the stress and rush of everyday life, we neglect fun and leisure. Change this habit and make sure you have moments in your calendar to take your focus off work and the stress of your routine. Go home and have a family pizza, talk and laugh. Invite your friends to a bar or attend the weekly happy hour organized by your office colleagues. Invite your partner to a different program for two. If you lack company today,

4. Avoid fatty foods

You know that feeling of sluggishness you get after eating feijoada? It may help explain how a high-fat diet makes you more tired. To process fat, the body alters blood circulation and concentrates forces in the intestine, where digestion occurs. Meanwhile, the muscles and brain have reduced irrigation, increasing the feeling of sluggishness and drowsiness. For those who are tired, it is recommended to give preference to foods with fiber, which digest slowly and avoid high or low energy peaks, he explains.

5. Try alternative therapies

With the support of research, more and more non-conventional therapies are being highlighted as good resources to combat different ailments. A recent discovery shows that yoga has the power to break down the barriers imposed by mental fatigue, increasing the speed of reasoning and information retention. Researchers at the University of Illinois, in the United States, observed the reactions of young women who did 20 minutes of yoga and then meditation and breathing exercises. By comparison, it has been proven that yoga is as effective – or more so – in providing mental alertness and alertness as other physical activities. When analyzed, acupuncture also proved to be beneficial. According to a British study, the technique, in addition to having a relaxing effect, reduces daytime drowsiness and fatigue.

habits to overcome fatigue

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