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Baby shower favors models and tips

Baby shower souvenirs, to hold the baby shower, the souvenir is the item that we must provide to organize the party, since these will be given to each person who comes to the party bringing their contribution to the child's clothes and also support for the future mother.

Baby shower favors models and tips


These baby shower favors They can be found in specialized stores and can also be made at home with your own hands, there are several models from the simplest to quite sophisticated models.

So, for those who can afford to invest in more elegant baby shower favors at a higher cost. Below are several models that can serve as inspiration when purchasing.

But, baby showers are already offered to provide opportunities for others to contribute to the baby's layette, so it's a little strange having to spend so much on party favors.

Baby shower favors models and tips

So, these baby shower favors can be made at home even with various fabrics, biscuit dough and other materials, even recycled material can be used.

The future mother can make different models.

Sachets made with sago and essence, use pieces of felt and ribbon to decorate, they look very beautiful

Decorate basic wooden photo frames with pieces of fabric, and for a more elaborate look, choose paper with delicate prints and place it inside, where the photo will be.

Baby shower favor templates

Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips
Baby shower favors models and tips

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