Modelo de curriculum 2015 - Novo Post

2015 CV template

Have you ever thought about the main characteristics for getting a new job and what a CV template 2015 can help you?

The competition in the job market is becoming more difficult and more competitive than ever, the smallest details can make a difference, whether you win or lose a job. However, most of the time the responsibility of getting a new and good job rests on a small sheet of paper, which if done well can bring you a great professional career. This piece of paper is your CV, which contains all your professional information and can highlight your main qualities and characteristics.

The CV must contain various information, especially professional information. Amongst them:

Your Personal Data: Basically, your presentation must contain: full name, landline telephone number, cell phone number (if you have one), email address (if you have one) and full address. You can also add: marital status and date of birth.

The objective among the vacancies, this is the moment when you make it very clear what you want to work in, it is important to choose only one area per resume, this way you present yourself firm and decisive in front of the selectors.

Academic training You can clearly and objectively specify your academic training, it is important to observe the order, always present the highest degree first, for example: Completed Higher Education, Completed Secondary Education, etc.

Professional Experience It is important to include the last 3 experiences, always presenting the most recent first. If you are looking for your first job there is no need to include this part on your resume.

Courses Present the main courses, workshops, workshops related to the area you are looking for, this helps a lot to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Other skills and aspirations

Before creating a resume, you should know that companies have a specific professional responsibility to read all resumes received. You must also take into account that it is not just your CV that reaches companies, so that the professionals who will evaluate you have your data at hand. Therefore, a different design, such as columns, can make your resume different and thus attract the attention of an evaluator.

Remembering that a different resume does not mean that it has fancy fonts or anything else that pollutes the information provided. But, don't be like others, use the models just as tips, just consider the position of the information and how that information is made. Never start a sentence or resource with information in an Internet template because many users do this.

 It is very common for people to get in the way when writing their CVs, as they always find it difficult to know what the ideal format is and how it should be clear and objective, without leaving any important data out. Every detail is decisive and any mistake could represent your failure when it comes to finding a job.

Therefore, a standardized model, designed and created by experts and with fields ready for you to add your information, can be a good solution to guarantee quality and save time when preparing your CV.

2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template
2015 CV template


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