Modelos de curriculum completos para imprimir - Novo Post

Complete resume templates to print

Complete resume templates to print

Today the job market is more competitive and with each passing day there is more and more space for your dream job, which is why keeping up to date with new technologies, new methods and work processes is essential for that professional. who want to achieve or maintain a good position among other candidates and here you will find complete CV templates to print and great tips.

Furthermore, another way to draw the attention of company recruiters to you is by preparing a great CV, which really has all the information necessary for that initial moment, where the documents are actually screened.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you know exactly what this resume (also known as curriculum vitae) should contain. Many people still make mistakes when creating it and believe that the more information it contains, the greater their chances of being hired.

Writing a good CV can increase your chances of being hired

What actually happens is exactly the opposite, as you put yourself in the shoes of a professional talent recruiter who receives a huge amount of CVs every day, and among them many with 3, 4, maybe even 5 or more pages. At this moment he is not interested in the numbers of your documents for example, information like this is for another time, what he wants in short is to know about your skills, experiences, training, among others.

He certainly won't have time to read them all, especially because he has other duties to perform in the company. Therefore, the shorter and more succinct your CV is, the greater your chances of drawing attention to yourself, so that you are at least invited to a selection process.

Well, if you don't already know this information, we will leave you with two options to choose from: the first one will contain some complete CV templates to print, fill them in with your details, and the other option will guide you on how to create a quality and original CV.

Complete resume templates to print

Complete resume templates to print

After finding complete resume templates to print above, we suggest that you also pay attention to the tips we include below, on how to make an excellent and simple resume and increase your chances of being called for a selection of candidates.


In a kind of “header” of your CV, you must only provide essential data, such as full name, age, marital status, address, city and contact, cell phone, home and errand phone numbers.


At this point, you should be quite simple and make it clear to the company what position you want, such as: Salesperson, but never use the same resume for several purposes, they will feel that you don't know exactly what you want.


At this point, it is important that you briefly talk about your professional qualities, skills and acquired knowledge that could be useful in the desired position.


Always enter your last level of education, such as which course you have higher education in, or if not, just enter secondary education. Don't forget to inform your year of training and name of the educational institution.


Please only enter the last three jobs, always in descending order, that is, the last or current one and the previous ones. Also inform the period of time of each position and initial and final experience, in order to demonstrate your professional growth.


If necessary, use this space to inform about possible international experience, volunteer work or after-hours activities that relate to your desired job or improve your work skills.


As we said earlier, many people add unnecessary information to their resumes, thus decreasing their chances. So check out a list of things that should not be included in the document:

Do not put “curriculum vitae”, “curriculum”, “resume” or others, there is no need;

Do not report ignorance of a method or process;

There is also no need to provide the names of relatives or personal references, just provide a telephone number for messages.

Avoid giving reasons for leaving previous jobs or speaking badly about such companies;

Do not set salary demands;

Do not include letters of reference or certificates of courses completed;

Finally, do not include a date and do not sign the CV;

With all these tips ready, we are sure that you will create a quality document that will certainly increase your chances of standing out among the crowd. Now all you have to do is send your resume by email to companies and people. If you still don't have anywhere to send it, see the main job sites, agencies and others below, images of complete resume templates to print:

Complete resume templates to print
Complete resume templates to print
Complete resume templates to print
Complete resume templates to print
Complete resume templates to print
Complete resume templates to print
Complete resume templates to print



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