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Rice recipe in the pressure cooker

Rice recipe in the pressure cooker

Making rice in a pressure cooker can make your life a lot easier. Here we have a recipe explaining step by step how to prepare it.

Rice recipe in the pressure cooker


  • 2 cups of washed and drained rice

  • 1 clove of crushed garlic

  • 1 small onion chopped

  • 3 cups of water

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

  • Salt to taste

    Rice recipe in the pressure cooker

 Method of preparation:

  1. In a pressure cooker, heat the oil and fry the garlic and onion

  2. Then add the rice and salt and fry for a few minutes, as usual.

  3. After frying the rice, add the water, close the pan and wait

  4. When the cooker comes to pressure and starts to “beep”, set the timer for five minutes and, after 5 minutes, turn off the cooker.

  5. Wait for the pressure to release on its own and open the cooker.

  6. Your rice is ready

  7. Loose, tasty and quick

  8. Enjoy

9. Note: You can add vegetables, shredded meat, tomato sauce, bacon and other ingredients and prepare delicious seasoned rice in just 5 minutes

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