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Recipe to get rid of heartburn

Recipe to get rid of heartburn

Eating toast or crackers can be great home remedies for heartburn, as they absorb the acid that is causing acidity in the throat and thus reduce heartburn.

Recipe to get rid of heartburn

This is also a great home remedy for heartburn during pregnancy; heartburn and burning and heartburn with stomach pain, being quickly effective.

Another important tip for overcoming heartburn is not to drink water or any other liquid in an attempt to combat heartburn as it will tend to increase.

Other good home remedies for heartburn are, at the time of heartburn:

Recipe to get rid of heartburn
  • Eat 1 unpeeled apple or

  • Take the pure juice of 1 lemon or

  • Take the pure juice of 1 raw potato or

  • Take a mixture of 100 ml of water with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.

To combat heartburn that appears in the morning, it is recommended to avoid eating too much before bed and place a 10 cm wedge at the head of the bed to facilitate digestion.

What is heartburn

Heartburn is the consequence of gastric juice coming into contact with the esophageal mucosa. Therefore, whatever the cause of heartburn, the burning sensation can be relieved by pushing the acidic contents of the esophagus back into the stomach.

Recipe to get rid of heartburn

Diet to avoid heartburn consists of following a diet low in meat, fatty foods and fried foods.

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