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Home remedy to boost the immune system

Home remedy to boost the immune system

Home remedy to boost the immune system


A great home remedy to boost the immune system and make the body fight any disease better is the following herbal tea:


  • 1 handful of dehydrated apple

  • 1 handful of licorice

  • 1 handful of purple ipê bark

  • 1 handful of purple echinacea

  • 1 handful of cat's claws

  • 1 liter of boiling water

Method of preparation

To dehydrate the apple, wash it, cut it into pieces and bake until the pieces are dry and golden.

Place all the herbs mentioned above and the apple in a pan, covering with boiling water. Cover, let it rest for 20 minutes, strain and drink this tea several times a day.

The ingredients of this tea contain antioxidant substances that combat free radicals resulting from cell metabolism, naturally strengthening the body and therefore can be used in cases of flu, colds, viral diseases, arthritis, osteoarthritis, also helping to combat premature aging.

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