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Spinning to lose weight

Spinning to lose weight


In a spinning class you lose more weight than on the treadmill or running and also strengthen your legs and butt. Improves cardiac and respiratory function, in addition to reducing cholesterol and helping blood glucose levels.

Spinning to lose weight

Spinning slims your legs and belly because it uses a lot of energy, an hour of spinning burns an average of 600 calories. But it is recommended to use a heart rate meter throughout the class, it is a portable device and measures heart rate. The gym teacher will be able to indicate what the student's ideal heart rate is according to their age.

Other tips for getting the most out of spinning class are:

  • Drink 1 glass of fruit juice or eat 1 fruit about 30 minutes before class;

  • Stretch before class starts;

  • Start at a slower pace and gradually increase the speed and strength of your legs;

  • Wear a shoe with a hard sole, like those worn by professional cyclists, as this helps to put the strength of your legs directly into the pedal, preventing it from being lost through sneakers with a soft sole;

  • Always have a hand towel nearby to prevent your hands from slipping off the handlebars of the spinning bike;

  • Wear padded shorts on your private parts to ensure greater comfort during class;

  • Drink coconut water or an isotonic drink such as Gatorade during class to replace water and mineral salts lost in sweat;

  • Adjust the spinning bike to your height to avoid spinal and knee injuries;

  • Eat some protein-rich food, such as a protein shake or yogurt, after class.

It is important to keep your back straight during classes and avoid straining your neck too much. If there is pain, it is better to relieve some tension in the region.

Spinning to lose weight

For those who want to lose weight, they must remember that eating correctly, in addition to daily physical exercise, is essential.

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